A single report is set to generate at specified intervals (Daily, Hourly, Weekly etc). It is exported to a specified format (PDF, Excel, XML etc). The exported file is delivered to one or more destinations (email, FTP, printer, etc).For example, email the daily sales report to the sales manager at 8am every weekday except on public holidays.
Set up a package of reports to be generated at defined intervals and delivered to one or more defined destinations – together. For example, a monthly report pack (consisting of a number of reports) can be sent to a client with all reports attached to the single email or compressed into a single zip file, or merged into a single Excel workbook, or PDF file before delivery.
Write and execute simple or complex business process automation scripts or macros using CRD’s Custom Tasks. Use this schedule on its own or as part of a more complex automation solution. Examples include Send an email, Update a database record, Upload to FTP, Update a file, Print files and lots more.
Multiple instances of the same report are exported. For each instance, CRD will automatically enter the required parameter values, export the report and deliver the results to the corresponding email, folder, FTP, printer or fax. The parameters and destination are read from your own database. For example, run the same report for dozens of clients without writing a schedule for each client.
Dynamically generate and deliver individualized export packages for multiple recipients using the same set of reports. Dynamic Schedules for Packages! For example, you can use the same set of reports to generate individual monthly report packages for all your clients.
Instantly respond to business and client needs. Fire off reports or automation scripts when a defined system event occurs. For example, trigger a report or automation script when a value in a database has changed, or when a new email arrives You can even use values in the email body text to populate parameters, email addresses, database tables and more.
String a number of Event-Based schedules together as a batch to run in a specified order and/or at specified scheduled times. Use to ensure that required conditions are fulfilled before a report is exported. For example, run the report once a month, but only if the monthly total figure in the sales database matches that in the invoices database.
Burst individual report groups and deliver each group to a different destination. For example, burst a sales report into individual groups based on “Department” and to email each department’s group report to the head to that department. Advanced Crystal Report bursting.
Bring Reporting Services functionality to Crystal Reports! Drive all variables of your reporting requirements (parameters, destinations, output format, etc) from database tables and queries.
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