Output Formats
With more output formats and enhanced formatting & manipulation options than any other Crystal Reports scheduling tool, CRD gives you the flexibility to satisfy your formatting requirements with ease.
Acrobat (PDF)
- Include watermarks & stamps.
- Add bookmarks based on group header.
- Set document properties (Title, Author, Producer, etc).
- Add selective password protection (Can Print; Can Copy; Can Edit, Owner Password, User Password, etc).
- Merge a package of multiple reports into a single PDF file.
- Merge any existing PDF files into a single file.
Character Separated (CSV)
- Use any character separator, or use “tab”.
- Choose comma, or any delimiter (or not, if you do not require one).
MS Excel (XLS)
- Data Only.
- Excel 7, 8, & 97-2000.
- Customize the worksheet (tab) name.
- Burst report groups into separate worksheets in the same workbook.
- Merge a package of multiple reports as individual worksheets (tabs) in a single workbook.
- Set password protection.
- Set document properties (Title, Author, Company, etc).
MS Word (DOC)
- Set document properties (Title, Author, Company, etc).
Raster Image (TIF)
- Choose from Uncompressed, LZW, RLE and fax formats.
- Select 24-bit color, 256 color or Black & White.
Other available formats
- Crystal Reports (RPT)
- Data Interchange Format (DIF)
- dBase II, dBase III & dBase IV (DBF)
- Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1, WK3 & WKS)
- Record Style (REC)
- Rich Text (RTF)
- Tab Separated (TXT)
- Text (TXT)